Boulder County Trails Database

Result of an Eagle Project done by Ryan Kirkpatrick

To search by a certain field, check the box of that field, and then enter the search string into the text field box, or select the appropriate option. Then press the button found at the bottom of this page. There is more complete documentation on how to search this database. You may search by as many or as few fields as you wish. Also make sure to select the appropriate search method for each field. There is a way to search the full text of the database.

Also please have a look at the disclaimer, as well as the credits, and some background on the trails database. Also see the update (as of 2002/08/07) at the bottem of the background page.

Search by:

Trail Num:

Name of Trail:

Length of Trail:


Difficulty of Trail: Easy Moderate Difficult

Hiking Allowed on Trail: Yes No

Biking Allowed on Trail: Yes No

Horseback Riding Allowed on Trail: Yes No

Surface Type:

Location in the County: Central

USGS Quad that the trail is found on:

Type of Terrain: Mountainous Plains

Elevation Gain:


Handicap Accessiblity: Yes No

Whose jursidiction the trail is under:

Output Formatting Options:

Sort the Data by:

Format of the Output: without tables with tables

(Please be patient as this probably will take a while.)

Ryan Kirkpatrick,

Last Revised 2002/08/07